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How SMR Tools Can Lead to a Strip Search

Hey this is Rick Kaselj.

I am an injury and exercise expert which means I end up helping people overcome injuries with exercise.

One thing that I want to go through in this video is how not to get arrested by homeland security because of your fitness toys that you travel with.

How SMR Tools Can Lead to a Strip Search:

CLICK HERE for the direct link to the video

I’m Canadian.

I had driven from Vancouver, BC, Canada to Bellingham, Washington, USA. I had driven across the USA/Canada border in order to fly out from Bellingham airport.  I was on my way to a fitness conference in San Diego.  I fly out of Bellingham because it is easier to get to than the Vancouver airport.

Crossing the border by car was no problem, but when I got to the airport and I was bringing my luggage through security, things got interesting. Homeland security pulled me aside and was taking my luggage through the x-ray machine many times and pulled all of my stuffs out my luggage.

They had some questions about what these devices were and why they were shoved into my running shoes.

These were the devices that they had questions about:

They let me know that devices like these, are what they are taught to look for when they are looking for explosive devices.

Hmmm, interesting.

Rick’s Tips on How Avoid a Strip Search at the Airport:

  1. If you have a dog, Kong ball, that you travel with in order to help with self massage, make sure not to jam it into your running shoes or your carry-on. Put it in that little plastic container so security can take a look at.  This will decrease security excitement and the risk of getting a strip search.
  2. Secondly, if you end up duct taping two tennis balls in order to help with thoracic mobility (This is a tool to help with getting that tightness out of your mid back.). It is a good idea not to jam the duct taped tennis ball into your running shoes. Pull them out and put them in that plastic thing so homeland security can check out you duct taped balls.

I hope these tips help for a faster security check and no strip searching.

If you want to see what I do with these  SMR tools (self myofascial release) when I travel, make sure to check out the Unconventional Recovery Tools and Exercises that is part of Recovery Workouts.

That is it.  If you have an issue with shoulder pain, look around the site.  If you are looking for information on other injuries and exercises, visit .

Take care.

Rick Kaselj, MS

P.S. – I did not learn my lesson, I got a talking to from security when I flew from from Detroit to Windsor.  When I head to Vegas in September, I will be smarter.  Strip searches sound find but are not that cool.  That is another story.

Before I go, here is another video on the importance of recovery when you exercise or after activity:



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